EDIPUS (or European Digital Portfolio for University Students) – is a project initiated by the European Association of Erasmus Cordinators and 8 international partners in 2015 and funded by the European Commissions under Erasmus + programme.

The EDIPUS Project created a new powerful tool, namely the Digital Portfolio Portal (DPP) which is addressing the employability needs of university students and young job seekers. The DPP, provides students with a digital area, where they can create their own portfolio of experiences and qualifications in a creative and professional way. The DPP aims to replace the traditional CV, by offering a smarter tool to students to express themselves. The Digital Portfolio allows students to record all their experiences and to present themselves to employers prior to an interview, thus having the chance to make a good first impression. In addition, EDIPUS will produce a Database of digital portfolios, where employers can have access and choose the right candidates for their company needs.


  • to enhance the chances of employability of students and young job seekers in Europe.
  • the development of a tool to to support the better understanding of qualifications and skills and to bring students closer to the employers through an integrated method to present and assess their professional profiles in to achieve higher employability rates;
  • the creation of a digital system, called Digital Portfolio Portal – DPP, which will integrate many aspects and resources of students’ academic and professional path into a single access point providing a user-friendly tool and a concrete forum for the exchange of information between education – university students and services – on the one hand and the labour market – employers – on the others.
  • the creation of a Database of digital portfolios with a smart search engine so as to successfully engage employers in the process of utilizing this tool for selecting their potential employees. The Database aims to facilitate the mobility of workforce in Europe and match existing professional profiles and qualifications with existing demand for labour in various fields.

EDIPUS is expected to have a continuous impact on the employability opportunities of university students in Europe, by improving their position in the labour market, specifically aiming to make a significant impact on strengthening their professional profiles and helping them to communicate better their knowledge, experience and skills and competences.  Furthermore, it is expected to have an impact on the way employers view profiles of prospective job candidates and to make this process easier and more efficient for everyone involved. In addition, these guidelines and the EDIPUS DPP and Database is expected to improve the quality of services used by the students’ university services, as well as, career consultants for effective guidance of young graduates.